The Voice Of Human Justice
The Voice Of Human Justice
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Author: George Jordac
Translator: Muhammad Fazal Haq
Published by Islamic Seminary Publications
► The present book is an English translation of Sautu'l `Adalati'l Insaniyah, written in Arabic by George Jordac, a renowned Christian author of Lebanon, which has gained much popularity in the Arab and the Muslim world, and scholars have paid it glowing tributes. Though author is an enlightened man of letters and has written the book with perfect sincerity, at times he has said which do not accord with the facts of history and the reader may come across points which seem to differ from the main-stream Shia opinion of Imam Ali, a.s., and historical accounts which differ compared to similarly recorded events in the works of Muslims authors. In such cases necessary clarification has been made in the foot-notes and at places some paragraphs have been deleted altogether
Pages: 508
ISBN: 0 941724 24 7
SKU: 330
Publisher: Islamic Seminary
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