Precarious Belongings: Being Shi'i in Non Shi'i Worlds
Precarious Belongings: Being Shi'i in Non Shi'i Worlds
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Precarious Belongings: Being Shi'i in Non Shi'i Worlds
Edited by Charles Tripp and Gabriele vom Bruck
Published by The Centre of for Shia Academy
What is it that makes members of self-identified Shi'i communities distinct from other communities, in terms of doctrine, practise and political situation?
This is the question that lies at the heart of the contributions to this volume. They range across a number of deverse settings preciselyto bring out those featuresof the social and political life of the shia that may be recognisably shi'i, but are also the outcome of the interactions with specific social contexts
Several authors investigate the degree to which shi'i rituals reveal, endorse or challenge local, national and political identifications, and whether they are usefully analysed in terms of contestations over effective, physical and social spaces
ISBN 978 1 911599 00 5
Pages 510
SKU: 2426
Publisher: The Centre for Shia Studies
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