Let's learn about Imam Zainul Abideen (AS)
Let's learn about Imam Zainul Abideen (AS)
12 in stock
Written by: Sakina Hasan Askari
Published by Salman Book Store
► In life, people want support and backing from others. We like approval from our parents, our friends, community, and co-workers, but what better pleasure than to have the backing and support of God Himself! We are all searching for the pleasure and satisfaction of God. The Imam spread Truth through prayers and mourning for the martyrs of Karbala, as he described the three qualities, which if present in a faithful person, will be supported and backed by God.,
- The one who gives to others that which he looks forward to receives himself.
- The one who does not extend his hand and does not take a step ahead [i.e. takes an initiative] till he knows (for sure) whether his step is in the (direction of) obedience to God or not
- And the one who does not find fault with his brother till he abandons that fault himself.”
With illustrations For children age 5+
Pages: 84
ISBN: 81 88823 19 8
SKU: 974
Publisher: Salman Book Centre
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